Monday, May 18, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Week of May 18, 2009

For Today:

Outside my window: Everything is green and in bloom. The sun is getting ready to start its decent for another Spring day.

I am thinking: that I am SO full from dinner!

From the learning rooms: The LORD is my Shepherd and leads me along life's road, as long as I don't veer away from His path.

I am thankful for: the long Victoria Day weekend with my hubby and for good friends.

From the kitchen: Hubby is making this "bark" tea that has helped to lower his blood pressure!

I am wearing: green sweats, Snoopy T-shirt, green hoodie and flip flops

I am reading: my Bible (Ecclesiastes still) and Marley & Me

I am hoping: that Melissa wins DWTS this week.

I am creating: a decluttered house as I cleaned out the crawl space, throwing out lots of old "junk".

I am hearing: the t.v.

Around the house: things are pretty tidy

One of my favorite things: sitting in the sunshine with my hubby

A few plans for the rest of the week: checking out a resale house Tue p.m., reality tv finales, housework, writing assignment and our ladies' group spring banquet on Sat p.m.

Here is a picture thought to share with you:

The flowers Hubby bought me
last weekend are still looking great!

You can have a Woman's Simple Daybook too by going to The Simple Woman's Daybook blog! Also, feel free to catch up on the daily happenings in my other blog. The link is on the sidebar!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi Sue have a nice time at the tea. Hugs