For Today:
Outside my window: dark clouds are rolling in and it looks like it could downpour at any minute.
I am thinking: that I know why God closed the door to "Mommyhood" for me... it is WAY too stressful! I am already grumpy after just one morning with a 2 yr old and the furry nephew. No patience for this I think :-(
From the learning rooms: That God is my sufficiency and He will be the only way for me to remain sane this week.
I am thankful for: my hubby who is always there to rescue me when I get like this! He already has a "sanity plan" for me when he gets home from work!
From the kitchen: I'm going to start dinner prep now while Little Miss "H" sleeps (if the dog doesn't drive me crazy).
I am wearing: green sweats and pink t-shirt.
I am reading: my Bible and Take One, the first book in the newest series "Above the Line" by Karen Kingsbury, although I haven't gotten very far yet still. I'll also reading the books on writing that I purchased last week.
I am hoping: to spend some quiet time with God while Hill sleeps so I won't be "Mean Auntie Sue" the entire time she is here.
I need: patience, a touch of God's peace and probably a "time out" for being cranky.
I am creating: quesadillas for dinner tonight.
I am hearing: silence and LOVING IT. I am NOT hearing the whiny, yet sweet, little voice of my 2 yr old god-daughter. The whiny tone to her sweet little voice is beginning to grate already and we're only on day 1.
Around the house: are signs of Pepper, my furry nephew and Little Miss "H"... toys (both human and canine), blankies, sippie cups, diapers,... you name it... it's ALL OVER my house right now!
One of my favorite things: saying good-bye to the chaos and going back to the quiet existence of me and hubby~ is that rude of me to say?
A few plans for the rest of the week: picking up my sister at the airport and saying good-bye to Pepper, finishing my assignment and reading the new books to help me in that, keeping my sanity as I care for Little Miss "H".
Here is a picture thought to share with you:
The wonder of a first bubble bath.