Monday, June 22, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Week of June 22, 2009

For Today:

Outside my window: the sun is shining and the temperature is in the mid 70's although it feels in the mid-80's. A perfect summer day!

I am thinking: it is nice having a little puppy sleeping soundly on the sofa beside me. I'm puppy-sitting for one of my sisters this week. I'm also thinking that later I'll need to take Pepper for a walk to the top of the street and pick up my dry cleaning!

From the learning rooms: I came home from the bookstore today with 4 new books on writing: The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Novelists; Writer's Guide to Character Traits' The Longman Guide to Fiction Writing for Beginners; and The Everything Guide to Writing A Novel. (No pressure for me now!) Best thing was that the bookstore had a sale: Buy 3, get one free!

I am thankful for: my Dad. I didn't get to see him on Father's Day but celebrated him last Tuesday when they were here for the night.

From the kitchen: Pepper's crate is still up from my trip to the bookstore. All else is quiet in there right now although I will need to grab a drink of something soon.

I am wearing: pink t-shirt, steely and grey shorts.

I am reading: my Bible (Ecclesiastes still) and Take One, the first book in the newest series "Above the Line" by Karen Kingsbury, although I haven't gotten very far yet. I'll also start reading the books mentioned above in hopes it will help me with my assignments in this section of my writing course.

I am hoping: that I will like my new mentor better - so far not off to a great start... I find his approach very abrupt and harsh... not sure if I can take THAT much honesty. He's almost the polar opposite of my last mentor. :-(

I am creating: nothing much these days... other than the beginning rumblings of a story idea in my head.

I am hearing: as aways, the traffic on the street behind me, even with the windows shut and air conditioner on.

Around the house: are signs of Pepper, my furry nephew. His cushy little bed sits on the living room floor alongside his disgustingly soggy toys: Ducky and Bone. The kitchen houses his food/water bowl and right now his pen for when we go out. At the front door lay his harness and leash for the numerous outings we go on around the block or just the front lawn to pee.

One of my favorite things: having Pepper come and snuggle beside me on the sofa, laying his little head on my lap. Dogs are SO different from cats... they actually really like you and want to be with you! Who knew?

A few plans for the rest of the week: spending time with Pepper (enjoying every minute), working on my assignment and reading the new books to help me in that, BBQ with our small group on the weekend, prepare for house guests (BFF and family) next Sunday for the following week.

Here is a picture thought to share with you:

Hubby with Little Miss "H" reading bedtime stories
at her first sleepover at our house.

You can have a Woman's Simple Daybook too by going to The Simple Woman's Daybook blog! Also, feel free to catch up on the daily happenings in my other blog. The link is on the sidebar!


Karen said...

Okay, I zeroed in on "new mentor" and couldn't move past it. :) You are in the Apprentice program, right? Do they change your mentor at some point? I love mine and would hate to lose her. I understand that the more writers you learn from the more well rounded you become, but I'd still hate to lose her.

Karen said...

I got your post on my blog. Here's my response.

I'm on lesson 10. I'm usually working 2 or 3 lessons ahead, but I'm a little bogged down with this one and it's due in a week. I can't seem to get it just right.

What a bummer to get a mentor shift near the end of the course. I would expect it moving from Apprentice to Journeyman. But, retirement is understandable too. I'm sure God has it all under control. Hang in there.

Sarah Wylie said...

Hehe, just read about your rebellious "nephew". Of course, he'd be all adorable and innocent-looking;)

How are you liking Take One? I've been meaning to read it since I finished the Redemption and Sunrise series.