For Today:

Outside my window: the sun is shining and the icicles are dripping from the mini-thaw in the temperature.
I am thinking: that the past week went by so fast. It feels like it was a minute ago I wrote last week's entries into my Daybook.
From the learning rooms: I am learning about obedience and what God desires from us as I read the book of Genesis where Abraham was actually willing to kill his long-awaited son in obedience to God's request. I can't even imagine that to be honest! I have a lot to learn about obedience if that is my example!
I am thankful for: my life. I have a new found appreciation and gratefulness after last week. Although I would have loved children, I am thankful for the contentment God has given me with my life just as it is... in it's simplicity! I only hope I am pleasing God in the midst of it!
From the kitchen: I am sipping a glass of ginger ale to aid my upset tummy that I have today.
I am wearing: Snoopy pj pants, a pink long sleeve t-shirt and a warm wool hoodie, along with my pink slipper boots.
I am reading: my Bible as I try to catch up in my Bible-in-a-Year reading where I am almost 2 weeks behind :-(. I guess if I wasn't journalling as I read it would be quicker to catch up.
I am hoping: that the snow tomorrow isn't bad as I have to drive to book club 30 minutes or so from home.
I am creating: nice clean laundry for my hubby and me.
I am hearing: the sound of clothes tumbling around in the dryer and water rushing out of the washer. Gotta love laundry day! I can't help but think how easy we have it. My grandma had a wringer washer. You had to physically put each piece through the wringer to squeeze out the extra water before you had to manually hang the wash out on the line. I remember helping her often in that! We truly are blessed with the modern day conveniences!!
Around the house: it is quiet except the sounds coming from the laundry room. Things are fairly tidy and I am enjoying the peace and quiet.
One of my favorite things: is chatting with my friends online while I do household chores... like laundry (Are you seeing a theme in my "simple" mind today?)
A few plans for the rest of the week: are to catch up more on my Bible reading; go to Book Club tomorrow night, Ladies' group Thursday a.m.; host our small group after toboganning Wed night; watch reality tv (Bachelor, American Idol).
Here is a picture thought to share with you:
I am thinking: that the past week went by so fast. It feels like it was a minute ago I wrote last week's entries into my Daybook.
From the learning rooms: I am learning about obedience and what God desires from us as I read the book of Genesis where Abraham was actually willing to kill his long-awaited son in obedience to God's request. I can't even imagine that to be honest! I have a lot to learn about obedience if that is my example!
I am thankful for: my life. I have a new found appreciation and gratefulness after last week. Although I would have loved children, I am thankful for the contentment God has given me with my life just as it is... in it's simplicity! I only hope I am pleasing God in the midst of it!
From the kitchen: I am sipping a glass of ginger ale to aid my upset tummy that I have today.
I am wearing: Snoopy pj pants, a pink long sleeve t-shirt and a warm wool hoodie, along with my pink slipper boots.
I am reading: my Bible as I try to catch up in my Bible-in-a-Year reading where I am almost 2 weeks behind :-(. I guess if I wasn't journalling as I read it would be quicker to catch up.
I am hoping: that the snow tomorrow isn't bad as I have to drive to book club 30 minutes or so from home.
I am creating: nice clean laundry for my hubby and me.
I am hearing: the sound of clothes tumbling around in the dryer and water rushing out of the washer. Gotta love laundry day! I can't help but think how easy we have it. My grandma had a wringer washer. You had to physically put each piece through the wringer to squeeze out the extra water before you had to manually hang the wash out on the line. I remember helping her often in that! We truly are blessed with the modern day conveniences!!
Around the house: it is quiet except the sounds coming from the laundry room. Things are fairly tidy and I am enjoying the peace and quiet.
One of my favorite things: is chatting with my friends online while I do household chores... like laundry (Are you seeing a theme in my "simple" mind today?)
A few plans for the rest of the week: are to catch up more on my Bible reading; go to Book Club tomorrow night, Ladies' group Thursday a.m.; host our small group after toboganning Wed night; watch reality tv (Bachelor, American Idol).
Here is a picture thought to share with you:
Congratulations to my Hubby's favorite team on winning the Super Bowl last night. The "boys" wanted to join in on the celebration!
Your blog looks so romantic. :) I'm in agreement with you Sue about obedience. I have soooooooooo much to learn.
Reading about your day at home, only makes me homesick for days like that. I hope you have enjoyed yours.
Hugs sweetie.
Hi Sue, cute picture of the boys! I like that picture of you and Doug from your vacation.
Hi Sue, it looks so cute here! :)
Cute pic of the boys.
love you
What a lovely Valentine look in here, Sue! :) Cute pic of the "boys" ;) Happy afternoon!
Hi sweetie, loved reading you this week. Hope you're all caught up on laundry (and reading!). I forgot to post yesterday, what with School being off. I just did my daybook this morning.
love ya
Hi Sue, thank you for dropping by, it was nice meeting my sister's sister. We don't usually get much snow but last few days it's been quite heavy, so much so several schools closed for a couple of days - think the simple truth is we can't cope with it because we don't get much normally. Fab pic. Have a good week.
Love n blessings x
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