For Today:

Outside my window: the sky has beautiful wisps of red and pink as the sun makes it welcome appearance.
I am thinking: that I really need to get some focus in my life. The days are wiping by at what feels like record speed and I am not getting all I want accomplished... or even half of what I want!
From the learning rooms: Our pastor gave a good sermon yesterday about risk-taking... not like bungee jumping or sky-diving, although for some that might be what God is calling them to do. For me, I felt God was teaching me that I need to take a risk and not let fear stop me from doing the things He's asking me to do. It might be confronting a friend in love, or it may be actually getting up the nerve to send an article in to an editor for publication.
I am thankful for: my husband! Walking with a friend through a difficult marriage only makes me love and adore my precious hubby all the more! I feel SO blessed to have him in my life and to love me back.
From the kitchen: My Vanilla Bean tea is steeping, just waiting for me to enjoy a hot cup.
I am wearing: Okay... this is embarrasing. I am wearing the same thing as last week at this time: Snoopy pj pants, a pink long sleeve t-shirt and a warm wool hoodie, along with my pink slipper boots. Creature of habit perhaps?
I am reading: my Bible as I still try to catch up in my Bible-in-a-Year reading where I am almost 2 weeks behind :-(. I guess if I wasn't journalling as I read it would be quicker to catch up. I'm also reading our Book Club selection for this month: Skid by Renee Gutteridge.
I am hoping: that Doug's back spasm works itself out quickly so he can feel comfort in his lower back.
I am creating: a baby blanket for one of 2 pregnant friends from small group. I have knit half already but need to find the time and energy to finish and get started on either another blanket or perhaps a sweater, although they grow out of them so fast it's hardly worth the work.
I am hearing: the clicking of the laptop keys as my overgrown fingernails "tap tap tap" which each movement of my fingers. I can also hear the clock in the kitchen ticking my life away and the hum of the refrigerator.
Around the house: it is quiet except the sounds mentioned above. I got up early this morning while Doug sleeps in so I could enjoy this early morning quiet.
One of my favorite things: is the early morning peace which I hate to admit, I rarely see, except on days like this when I am awake enough when Doug first gets up to get up myself and start my day.
A few plans for the rest of the week: are to catch up more on my Bible reading; Ladies' group Thursday a.m.; watch reality tv (Bachelor, American Idol, Survivor) AND... go to the Brad Paisley concert on Friday night with friends!!!
Here is a picture thought to share with you:
You can have a Woman's Simple Daybook too by going to The Simple Woman's Daybook blog!
I am thinking: that I really need to get some focus in my life. The days are wiping by at what feels like record speed and I am not getting all I want accomplished... or even half of what I want!
From the learning rooms: Our pastor gave a good sermon yesterday about risk-taking... not like bungee jumping or sky-diving, although for some that might be what God is calling them to do. For me, I felt God was teaching me that I need to take a risk and not let fear stop me from doing the things He's asking me to do. It might be confronting a friend in love, or it may be actually getting up the nerve to send an article in to an editor for publication.
I am thankful for: my husband! Walking with a friend through a difficult marriage only makes me love and adore my precious hubby all the more! I feel SO blessed to have him in my life and to love me back.
From the kitchen: My Vanilla Bean tea is steeping, just waiting for me to enjoy a hot cup.
I am wearing: Okay... this is embarrasing. I am wearing the same thing as last week at this time: Snoopy pj pants, a pink long sleeve t-shirt and a warm wool hoodie, along with my pink slipper boots. Creature of habit perhaps?
I am reading: my Bible as I still try to catch up in my Bible-in-a-Year reading where I am almost 2 weeks behind :-(. I guess if I wasn't journalling as I read it would be quicker to catch up. I'm also reading our Book Club selection for this month: Skid by Renee Gutteridge.
I am hoping: that Doug's back spasm works itself out quickly so he can feel comfort in his lower back.
I am creating: a baby blanket for one of 2 pregnant friends from small group. I have knit half already but need to find the time and energy to finish and get started on either another blanket or perhaps a sweater, although they grow out of them so fast it's hardly worth the work.
I am hearing: the clicking of the laptop keys as my overgrown fingernails "tap tap tap" which each movement of my fingers. I can also hear the clock in the kitchen ticking my life away and the hum of the refrigerator.
Around the house: it is quiet except the sounds mentioned above. I got up early this morning while Doug sleeps in so I could enjoy this early morning quiet.
One of my favorite things: is the early morning peace which I hate to admit, I rarely see, except on days like this when I am awake enough when Doug first gets up to get up myself and start my day.
A few plans for the rest of the week: are to catch up more on my Bible reading; Ladies' group Thursday a.m.; watch reality tv (Bachelor, American Idol, Survivor) AND... go to the Brad Paisley concert on Friday night with friends!!!
Here is a picture thought to share with you:
Sunrise this morning when I started my Daybook Journal entry!
Hi sweetie, what a gorgeous day break pic. Hope you've had a wonderful Monday, and may the rest of your week be blessed.
love ya
What a pretty sunrise! I love to watch the sun rise in the window behind Dan's chair--although this morning it is cloudy and rainy so it wasn't anything to write home about. You and I are both so blessed to have such wonderful hubbies! I fall in love with mine more and more everyday. I pray I never take him for granted again. Love you! xo
Hi Sue, I love these sort of pics where there is beautiful wisps of pink stretching across the morning sky. I love walking to work when it's warmer as the sky is so beautiful. Have a blessed week. xx
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