Monday, April 20, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Week of April 20, 2009

For Today:

Outside my window: It is in the low 40's and raining.

I am thinking: that it is a great day to sit inside and catch up on my book club book!

From the learning rooms: God is the giver and taker of life and our hope is in Him.

I am thankful for: the hope we have in Jesus that nothing we endure is too hard for us when we rest on Him and His promises.

From the kitchen: all is quiet. Chicken is thawing in cold water in the sink, in order to make chicken salad for hubby's lunch tomorrow. Dinner tonight is left over lasagna from the freezer!

I am wearing: green velour track pants, a pink t-shirt and pink hoodie.

I am reading: Ecclesiastes in my Bible, 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper, Fated Genes (my book club selection this month) and my devotionals.

I am hoping: to get a good handle on my book club book as I have to lead the group with another woman this next meeting.

I am creating: that baby blanket still. Only have 2 weeks or so left before Baby T is due so I have to hunker down and get it done!

I am hearing: raindrops tapping on the window, reminding me that April Showers bring May flowers (not that there are any flowers yet in my garden to bloom).

Around the house: there is a laundry in the washer and dryer, shirts drying from the rafters in the laundry roomo, books scattered on my coffee table (Bible, journal, Bible Study, devotionals)

One of my favorite things: snuggling up in a blanket and either reading or watching a good chick flick on a rainy day.

A few plans for the rest of the week: reading, cleaning, blogging, ladies' Bible study ... it's actually a pretty quiet week.

Here is a picture thought to share with you:

This is my "nephew" Pepper who came to visit Saturday
with his "Sister", my niece S!
He's a Bichon Havanese. Isn't he adorable?

You can have a Woman's Simple Daybook too by going to The Simple Woman's Daybook blog! Also, feel free to catch up on the daily happenings in my other blog. The link is on the sidebar!


Denise said...

He looks like a shih tzu to me - I want him :-) He's adorable!
I knew if I came here you'd have posted (actually I checked earlier and you hadn't, but it was super early). I always love reading your Monday post. Your day sounds cozy with the rain, but I'm liking the sunshine we have here. We had tons of rain last week!

Susan Skitt said...

Love to read on a rainy day too. I need to get a good new book, of course, like you, the GOOD book is always wonderful to hunker down with and read words of life!

Blessings today!

Anonymous said...

It rained off and on today here (in Iowa) and I would have loved to be home wrapped up in a blanket reading and sipping peach tea. I'm enjoying the daybook!

THank you for leaving such sweet, encouraging messages on my blog. Have a great Tuesday!

Susan said...

Hi Sue, cute picture! I finished one book today called Twenty Wishes and started another called Eighth Shepherd. Send some rain our way please. Hugs

Mary said...

Hi Sue! Awww, little Pepper looks so snuggly wuggly! Is he? I wanted a Bichon once. I gave up when a Maltise came to live with me for a month with very bad manners. So now it's a golden and a cat named Earl.

Hope your week is blessed!

Love, Mary

Leah said...

I enjoy reading these. Makes me feel connected to other women. :)