Monday, April 27, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Week of April 27, 2009

For Today:

Outside my window: It looks beautiful! The sun is shining high in the sky and the temperature is supposed to be up in the mid to high 70s today!

I am thinking: I have so much to do this week and need some sort of focus so I don't get overwhelmed.

From the learning rooms: Time is a precious commodity and it seems to be moving at a faster pace so I need to be more intentional with my time.

I am thankful for: the safe arrival of Baby T... now known as Baby "C" now that we know who SHE is!

From the kitchen: my dishwasher is full and clean, awaiting to be unloaded. I'm wondering what to pull out for dinner tonight but it seems to be the least of my concerns on my "To Do" list.

I am wearing: jeans, white v-neck Tee, green hoodie and flip flops... yes... I said FLIP FLOPS!!

I am reading: Ecclesiastes in my Bible, 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper, and my devotionals, although I feel terrible delinquent in all my reading at the moment.

I am hoping: to have some time to be quiet with God today, perhaps outside on the patio!

I am creating: The baby blanket is done... the only thing left to do is sew in all the loose strings, wash it and then put it in the bag to deliver to Baby C!

I am hearing: the ladies from The View as they discuss "Hot Topics"... and in particular discussing the Celebrity Apprentice meltdown of Melissa and Joan Rivers last night.

Around the house: The laundry is waiting to head down to the laundry room, and there are things to do as we contemplate putting the house for sale sometime this spring/summer.

One of my favorite things: the warmth of the sun, especially after a long winter's chill.

A few plans for the rest of the week: It's going to be a crazy week ~ running errands, housework, preparations for hosting bridal shower at church, finishing Baby C's blanket, meeting with co-leader of book club to discuss questions, writing assignment, prep for Ladie's group bible Study, doing my own Bible Study (that I'm behind on now). Yikes... Calgon take me away!

Here is a picture thought to share with you:

This was the sky Saturday evening after
a GORGEOUS sunshiny and humid Saturday of sunshine.

You can have a Woman's Simple Daybook too by going to The Simple Woman's Daybook blog! Also, feel free to catch up on the daily happenings in my other blog. The link is on the sidebar!


Mary said...

Hi Sue!

Wow, you're got a busy week ahead of you. It sounds like a fun one, though. I hope you're being blessed this week. Love the flowers that are framing my window as I type this. I think Spring is my favorite time of year. Don't you?

Love, Mary

Anonymous said...

Are you moving? Will you buy another house? Just curious since we are going through the decisions now on that subject.

Sue said...

We are thinking/praying about it Linda. I've wanted to bit bigger house for years. Now that we are petless and the real estate prices have declined a bit on homes one or two steps above where we are (in our "starter home") we think now might be the time to "jump in". We have a 2 bedroom townhouse and want just one more bedroom for a little more space plus a few little "extras". We'll see what happens in the next month or so.