Monday, September 28, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Week of September 28, 2009

For Today:

Outside my window: I hear the tap tap tapping of raindrops on my window while the fall leaves wave and dance.

I am thinking: Sometimes I love a rainy day, especially in the Fall when I'm all nestled at home with nowhere to go.

From the learning rooms: I have much to learn about loving as Jesus loves... MUCH TO LEARN!

I am thankful for: the provision of my new vehicle that we will take possession of later this week.  I'm also thankful for God's direction.

From the kitchen: dinner is thawing in the sink.  Tonight's menu is roast beef w/ roasted potatoes and carrots.

I am wearing: green sweats and white v-neck t-shirt

I am reading: my Bible, my new bible study "Me, Myself and Lies", and The Beach House by Sally John.

I am hoping: my back hangs in there until I can get to the chiropractor ~ my neck is stiff.

I need: to get cracking on my next assignment due this week. Only 3 more to go!

I am creating: very special baby items for 3 very special babies on the way. I'm almost done the second! (been knitting like a fiend... but have to take a break until the chiro fixes me up again!)

I am hearing: the gentle whir of my computer.  The rain has stopped briefly so it's silent.

Around the house: As the seasons change outside, we've done a little changing inside and rearranged the living room. 

One of my favorite things: watching the leaves on the trees turn brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow.

A few plans for the rest of the week: reality t.v., small group, picking up the SUV from the dealer,  housework, work on my assignment, and ladies' group.

Here is a picture thought to share with you:

Fall Changes to the Living Room

You can have a Woman's Simple Daybook too by going to The Simple Woman's Daybook blog! Also, feel free to catch up on the daily happenings in my other blog. The link is on the sidebar!

1 comment:

Deborah Ann said...

Sue, your living room looks so peaceful and serene! I love rainy days...sometimes that's the only time I accomplish anything!

Have a blessed week!