Monday, October 5, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ Week of October 5, 2009

For Today:

Outside my window: the moon is full and all is quiet

I am thinking: I should be wearing a t-shirt because my long sleeve tee is rather warm tonight

From the learning rooms: that I need to pray when I get those "feelings" that something is going to happen ~ I "felt" that either me or hubby were going to get in a car accident today... and hubby did on the way home from work

I am thankful for: the minimal damage done to the car and most importantly - hubby wasn't hurt!

From the kitchen: homemade "crock pot" beef stew was dinner - fortunately I had made that yesterday before I realized that the bottom element in my stove was broken

I am wearing: red sweats and white long sleeve t-shirt

I am reading: my Bible, my new bible study "Me, Myself and Lies", and The Beach House by Sally John.

I am hoping: the repairs to the car won't be too much money... and that hubby will be able to get a complimentary rental car when he takes the car in

I need: take better care of my back and start doing more core exercises!

I am creating: very special baby items for 3 very special babies on the way. I'm almost done the second! (was knitting like a fiend... but have to take a break until my back is feeling stronger and then I have to pace myself better)

I am hearing: footsteps in our bedroom above me - hubby is getting ready for bed

Around the house: My nephew has moved back in with us for an extended stay until he figures out where he wants to live after his roommate moved out and left him lease-less.

One of my favorite things: spending time with my niblings - I'm going tomorrow to visit my pregnant niece while she's on bedrest - less than 10 weeks and the triplets could be here!

A few plans for the rest of the week: reality t.v., chiropractor, visiting one niece and dinner with another, maybe some  housework or laundry, work on my assignment, and ladies' group.

Here is a picture thought to share with you:

Loving the New Wheels!

You can have a Woman's Simple Daybook too by going to The Simple Woman's Daybook blog! Also, feel free to catch up on the daily happenings in my other blog. The link is on the sidebar!

1 comment:

Deborah Ann said...

I had the same thing happen as you did - God warned me ahead of time to pray for husband on his trip - and he came home safe and sound. Well, that's the short version. It really was miraculous.

Have a great week!